5 Things I’ve Done for Wellness This Week

As a blogger and self-proclaimed wellness junkie, I’m up for trying just about anything that could boost my health and well-being and inspire my writing — as long as the wellness practice in question is safe, cruelty-free, and has some research to back it up. That said, there are several new wellness practices I’ve been incorporating into each week — and I’m finally to the point where they’re becoming a part of my self-care routine. Here are five of them.

1. Acupuncture

I’ve suffered from regular headaches and migraines for as long as I can remember, but I started experiencing left-sided occipital neuralgia about a year ago. This rare type of headache, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), typically affects the back of the head, the forehead, and/or one side of the head — and treatments often include steroid injections, local nerve blocks, massage, and rest. 

After a brain and neck MRI and a review of my symptoms, the neurologist I was seeing recommended a nerve block and referred me to a physiatrist. He also mentioned acupuncture as a possible treatment for occipital neuralgia, which sounded much more appealing than having a steroid injected into my head. I’d tried acupuncture for neck pain and brain fog several years prior, so I already knew what to expect and felt more than willing to try it again. 

I ended up scheduling the nerve block for a month out but canceled the appointment after I learned more about the potential side effects of occipital nerve blocks and the benefits of using acupuncture as a treatment for occipital neuralgia. Instead of going through with the nerve block, I scheduled an appointment with a Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc) and I’m so glad I did! After just three treatments, my occipital neuralgia pain and headaches seem to be under control. Plus, each treatment is relaxing, painless, and something I’ve come to look forward to each week. 

2. Coconut Oil in Coffee

In addition to helping me with my headaches and occipital neuralgia pain, I’ve talked to my acupuncturist about the ongoing fatigue and brain fog symptoms I’ve been experiencing as a result of Hashimoto’s disease (autoimmune thyroid disease). I’ve been experiencing these annoying symptoms for about seven years, but nothing I’ve tried so far has been much help. 

My acupuncturist suggested increasing my intake of healthy fats and adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to my coffee each morning, which I’ve done now for the second week straight. I was a bit skeptical at first because I wasn’t sure if I’d like the taste, but now I’m totally hooked! It’s way too early to say if it’s actually improving my health in any way, but since it tastes delicious, it’s something I’m willing to try for the long term.

Some other potential health benefits of adding coconut oil to your morning cup of Joe include:

  • Increased metabolism. 
  • Improved energy levels.
  • Bowel regularity.
  • Increased HDL cholesterol levels (the good cholesterol).

I’m currently drinking mushroom coffee from Four Sigmatic, which contains organic Arabica coffee beans and organic lion's mane and chaga mushroom powder. It’s unknown whether mushroom coffee truly lives up to the hype, but mushrooms in general are excellent for reducing inflammation in the body and supporting the immune system. I absolutely love drinking my mushroom coffee each morning, and it doesn’t leave me feeling jittery (or nauseated) like a regular cup of coffee usually does. 

If you’re yet to try mushroom coffee, please use my Amazon affiliate links to place your order. The coffee is available in single-serve packets and 12-ounce bags. I was a huge fan of Organic Coffee Co. and San Francisco Bay Coffee before I switched to mushroom coffee, and these brands are still my go-to whenever I forget to order my mushroom coffee. I always have a spare stash of coffee at home!

3. Squats and Standing Side Leg Raises

As a freelance writer who works from home, each weekday is typically spent sitting at my desk. And while I love working from home and setting my own schedule, sitting all day isn’t so great. According to Dr. Edward R. Laskowski of the Mayo Clinic, the dangers of sitting too much range from elevated blood pressure and excess body fat to obesity and high cholesterol levels. 

That said, I’ve been looking for ways to move more throughout the day — starting with exercising while brushing my teeth in the morning and evening. I use an electric Quip toothbrush that shuts off after two minutes, which makes it super easy to do squats and standing side leg raises for 30 seconds each. 

Here’s what my current tooth brushing routine looks like:

  • 30 seconds of squats
  • 30 seconds of standing side leg raises (left side).
  • 30 seconds of standing side leg raises (right side).
  • 30 seconds of standing hip stretches (alternating between both sides). 

For the standing hip stretches, I stand in one place while lifting a knee up and out toward the side. I do about 15 stretches on each side and it feels really nice in the hips when you spend so much time sitting!

4. Therapy

Ever since my mom and I were both diagnosed with cancer (she with stage four colon cancer and I with stage one ovarian cancer), I’ve been experiencing chronic stress and anxiety — largely because I don’t know what the future holds and that terrifies me. 

I was recently diagnosed with adjustment disorder with anxiety, and therapy is one major part of my treatment plan. My therapist is a compassionate listener and I truly enjoy talking to her! We were meeting once a week starting out, but we’ve recently switched to every other week since my stress and anxiety is pretty well controlled at the moment. We’re meeting virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions, but I hope to do in-person sessions in the future. 

5. Brain Training

Brain health is incredibly important to me, especially since I’ve been experiencing many symptoms of brain fog — likely due to anxiety and Hashimoto’s disease. I’m also a highly sensitive person (HSP), so it doesn’t take much to overwhelm my brain. 

I’ve made it a goal to practice brain training for at least 10 minutes each day, and I usually follow through unless I’m completely beat in the evening or don’t have the time. It’s actually been pretty fun and relaxing, and it forces me to think outside of the box which I really enjoy. I’ve gotten so much better at solving math problems in my head, especially division and percentages. Some of my favorite brain training apps include Elevate, Lumosity, Peak, Kettle Mind, and BrainHQ. I also enjoy brain training games like Flow Free, Blockscapes, and Woody 99.  

Five Things I've Done for Wellness This Week

Which wellness practices do you enjoy?

There are so many ways to care for your physical, mental, and emotional health, and these are just a few of my current wellness practices. I love trying new things and I’m always open to more ideas, so please don’t hesitate to share your favorite wellness practices with me! 

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