Wellness Wednesday: Blueberry Overnight Oats

I first discovered overnight oats about seven years ago, back when I'd prep many of my breakfasts at night and eat them once I got to work the next morning. Now that I'm working from home, I don't usually prep my breakfasts in the evening — but it is nice to take the morning off on occasion!

In addition to being a convenient breakfast food, fiber-rich overnight oats promote a healthy heart, weight, and gut microbiome. Plus, overnight oats are perfect for families, as recipes are easy to double or triple depending on the size of the household.

There are so many different ways to prepare overnight oats, but here's a simple recipe to get you started:

What You Need (Makes 2 Servings)

How to Make Blueberry Overnight Oats

  1. Before going to bed, combine one cup of rolled oats, two cups of almond milk, and two tablespoons of chia seeds. Mix, cover, and refrigerate overnight.
  2. The next morning, remove your oats from the refrigerator, add in the maple syrup, and give it a mix.
  3. Divide the oat mixture into two glasses or jars and top with fresh blueberries and hemp hearts.

Some other options for toppings could include sliced strawberries, banana, or kiwi. I try to eat about a cup of berries each day, so blueberries or strawberries are always my go-to!

To learn more about planning your meals in advance, check out my meal planning tips.

Blueberry Overnight Oats

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